First as tragic farce, then as slapstick

ONE of Karl Marx’s quotable quotes includes his comment that history repeats itself first as tragedy, then as farce. So much of the twentieth century will be remembered as tragedy. So much of the last century will also be seen as farce. This is because while we had two world wars, we then followed them…

Arbeit Macht Frei: Part 1

The sign over some of the concentration camps during the Nazi reign of terror was the infamous “Work Will Set You Free” eponymously reflected in this post’s title. What does not seem clear at the moment is the connection and logical extension of the current work paradigm the world over from the events and psychology…

Arbeit Macht Frei: Part 2

Path to Perdition The world has been fixated for decades in using GDP (gross domestic product) as measurement of economic growth thereby replacing all humane and spiritual values as a means of providing balance to what not only genuine growth is, but whether in the process we are leading even vaguely meaningful lives. The tendency…

Arbeit Macht Frei: Part 3

This is Not Democracy There are no genuine democratic countries in the world today. ‘America’ has been hijacked by the cabalists and ‘democracy’ there is like a deadly virus they hope to spread everywhere. It is hard to determine when, in a long time, in human history there existed any genuine Democracy. The ‘democracy’ of…